Saturday, July 26, 2014

Risker kommer med stora belöningar (Swedish)

Om du någonsin vill uppnå det liv du alltid drömt om, måste du börja ta positiva, kalkylerade risker. Det är absolut nödvändigt att ta risker för att uppnå något stort i livet, men många är rädda för att ta det första språnget.
Som med alla risker, finns det alltid något på spel. I de flesta fall när det kommer till ditt företag, står du att förlora pengar, tid och ditt rykte. Men också kan du vinna samma saker! Fördelarna med att ta risker är att det kommer berika ditt liv och göra ditt företag eller karriär mycket mer givande.
En av mina klienter arbetade för regeringen i 15 år innan han beslutade att starta sin egen verksamhet. Jag hjälpte honom att sätta fingret på hans riktiga passioner och vi skapa en plan för honom att dra nytta av. Efter att ha flyttat till en ny kommun. I stället för att leta efter en annan tjänst, så tog han sina kunskaper och erfarenheter av att vara en stadsplanerare och startade sitt eget företag. Nervös om att lansera ut på egen hand, uttryckte han detta var den största risken han någonsin tagit och var otroligt orolig var intäkter och kunder skulle komma från. Men efter att ha varit i branschen i ett år, han har redan landat flera kontrakt och genererade en sexsiffrig inkomst. Efter att ha tagit risken att sluta sitt jobb och lansera sin egen firma, är han idag mycket gladare och uppleva livet på en helt ny nivå.

FÖRDELAR ta risker.
1. Att ta risker öppnar du upp till nya utmaningar och möjligheter. Pushar dig själv att våga lära dig något nytt, till exempel att tala inför publik, vilket kommer väl till pass som företagare.

2. Att ta risker ger dig möjlighet att skapa nya gränser i ditt sinne. Vi har alla gränser eller en komfortzon där vi skulle vilja bo och många har miss-visioner om vad vi tycker att vi förtjänar eller är i stånd att åstadkomma. När du tar risker, kan du utrota det tänkande, etablera nya gränser, förbättra din syn på livet och din förmåga att uppnå saker på högre nivåer.

3. Att ta risker kan göra att du blir mer kreativ. När du tvingar dig själv ut på kanten, med en ingen-ursäkt strategi, då kommer din naturliga förmåga att lösa problem gå igång och du är öppen för nya idéer och är villiga att prova något nytt.

4. Att ta risker kan leda till ett positivt resultat. Inte varje livssteg kan planeras noggrant ut. Du kommer aldrig veta om du kan lyckas om du inte ge sig ut i nya territorier. Finns det en risk för att göra något helt nytt? Visst. Men belöningen är där också. När du gör ditt bästa försök och ger allt som du kan i att nå målet, det är då mer troligt att få det att gå i mål.

5. Ta risker hjälper dig att tydligt definiera vad du verkligen vill. Kalkylerade risker tas med noggrann eftertanke. Men det faktum att du tar en risk driver dig att få saker att fungera. Visst kommer du först avgöra om belöningen är något du verkligen vill ta chansen för. Om det är så,  ta risken och titta inte tillbaka.

6. När du har blivit van vid att ta risker, bryta dig fri från det genomsnittliga sättet att leva och tänka. Istället för att kämpa för att vara säker har du nu den fart och förtroende som behövs för att välkomna nya möjligheter i din karriär eller affärsverksamhet. Risker bygger upp ditt självförtroende och självrespekt, det gör så du känner dig starkare och mer självsäker i att ta på dig nya utmaningar. När du är öppen för nya utmaningar så positionerar du dig själv att dra en hel del mer än det du skulle gjort om du bara stanna och gjorde inget.

Genom att ta risken krävs det en del blind förtroende i de flesta fall. Ingenting är verkligen garanterat. Men du måste lita på dina instinkter. Ibland leder magkänslan dig ner en okänd väg, men inom dig vet du att något stort är på andra sidan. GOOOOooo för det, du vet aldrig vad du kan åstadkomma tills du gör något du aldrig gjort. Ta risken och du kommer att kliva in i några av dina största belöningar.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Time Management

A lot of folks in our society try to be hyper-productive.
You know — the people who scurry from task to task, always checking e-mail, organizing something, making a call, running an errand, etc.
The people who do this often subscribe to the idea that “staying busy” means you’re working hard and are going to be more successful.
While this belief may be true to an extent, it often leads to mindless “productivity” — a constant need to do something and a tendency to waste time on menial tasks.
Instead of behaving in this way, I choose to do things differently.

Working Smarter, Not Harder

The old adage, “work smarter, not harder” has become a staple in the way I go about work of any kind.
Instead of being robotic in how I approach tasks, I try to be thoughtful and always ask myself if something can be done more efficiently or eliminated altogether.
Managing my time isn’t about squeezing as many tasks into my day as possible. It’s about simplifying how I work, doing things faster, and relieving stress.
It’s about clearing away space in my life to make time for people, play, and rest.
I promise you — there really are enough hours in a day for everything you’d like to do, but it may take a bit of rearranging and re-imagining to find them.

Time Management Tips

I compiled this list of 21 tips to hopefully nudge you in the right direction.
Remember: There are innumerable hacks and tricks to manage your time effectively. These are some tips that I find helpful, but everyone is different.
Let this list be a catalyst to get you thinking regularly about how to refine your own practices.

1. Complete most important tasks first.

This is the golden rule of time management. Each day, identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first.
Once you’re done, the day has already been a success. You can move on to other things, or you can let them wait until tomorrow. You’ve finished the essential.

2. Learn to say “no”.

Making a lot of time commitments can teach us how to juggle various engagements and manage our time. This can be a great thing.
However, you can easily take it too far. At some point, you need to learn to decline opportunities. Your objective should be to take on only those commitments that you know you have time for and that you truly care about.

3. Sleep at least 7-8 hours.

Some people think sacrificing sleep is a good way to hack productivity and wring a couple extra hours out of the day. This is not the case.
Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally. You know if you’re getting enough. Listen to your body, and don’t underestimate the value of sleep.

4. Devote your entire focus to the task at hand.

Close out all other browser windows. Put your phone away, out of sight and on silent. Find a quiet place to work, or listen to some music if that helps you (I enjoy listening to classical or ambient music while writing sometimes).
Concentrate on this one task. Nothing else should exist. Immerse yourself in it.

5. Get an early start.

Nearly all of us are plagued by the impulse to procrastinate. It seems so easy, and you always manage to get it done eventually, so why not?
Take it from a recovering chronic procrastinator — it’s so much nicer and less stressful to get an earlier start on something. It isn’t that difficult either, if you just decide firmly to do it.

6. Don’t allow unimportant details to drag you down.

We often allow projects to take much, much longer than they could by getting too hung up on small details. I’m guilty of this. I’ve always been a perfectionist.
What I’ve found, though, is that it is possible to push past the desire to constantly examine what I’ve done so far. I’m much better off pressing onward, getting the bulk completed, and revising things afterward.

7. Turn key tasks into habits.

Writing is a regular task for me. I have to write all the time — for school, work, my student organization, my blog, etc. I probably write 5,000 – 7,000 words per week.
The amount of writing I do may seem like a lot to most people, but it’s very manageable for me, because it’s habitual. I’ve made it a point to write something every day for a long time.
I rarely break this routine. Because of this, my mind is in the habit of doing the work of writing. It has become quite natural and enjoyable. Could you do something similar? 

8. Be conscientious of amount of TV/Internet/gaming time.

Time spent browsing Twitter or gaming or watching TV and movies can be one of the biggest drains on productivity.
I suggest becoming more aware of how much time you spend on these activities. Simply by noticing how they’re sucking up your time you’ll begin to do them less.

9. Delineate a time limit in which to complete task.

Instead of just sitting down to work on a project and thinking, “I’m going to be here until this is done,” try thinking, “I’m going to work on this for three hours”.
The time constraint will push you to focus and be more efficient, even if you end up having to go back and add a bit more later.

10. Leave a buffer-time between tasks.

When we rush from task to task, it’s difficult to appreciate what we’re doing and to stay focused and motivated.
Allowing ourselves down-time between tasks can be a breath of fresh air for our brains. While taking a break, go for a short walk, meditate, or perform some other mind-clearing exercise.

11. Don’t think of the totality of your to-do list.

One of the fastest ways to overwhelm yourself is to think about your massive to-do list. Realize that no amount of thought will make it any shorter.
At this point in time, all you can do is focus on the one task before you. This one, single, solitary task. One step at a time. Breathe.

12. Exercise and eat healthily.

Numerous studies have linked a healthy lifestyle with work productivity. Similar to getting enough sleep, exercising and eating healthily boost energy levels, clear your mind, and allow you to focus more easily.

13. Do less.

This is a tactic recommended by one of my favorite bloggers, Leo Babauta. Basically, do less is another way of saying do the things that really matter.
Slow down, notice what needs to be done, and concentrate on those things. Do less things that create more value, rather than more things that are mostly empty.

14. Utilize weekends, just a little bit.

One of my favorite memes depicts a gentleman casting his work aside, declaring, “It’s Friday! F#%$88u this shit.” The following image reads “Monday”, and the man is stooping to pick up the papers he’d tossed to the ground.
This is comical, but I’ve found that it’s amazing how doing just a little bit on weekends can really lessen the workload during the week. Aim for 2-4 hours per day. You’ll still leave yourself plenty of free time for activities.

15. Create organizing systems.

Being organized saves tons of time, and you don’t have to be the most ultra-organized person in the world either. Systems aren’t complicated to implement.
Create a filing system for documents. Make sure all items have a place to be stored in your dwelling. Unsubscribe from e-mail lists if you don’t want to receive their content. Streamline, streamline, streamline.

16. Do something during waiting time.

We tend to have a lot of down-time where we don’t try to do much. Waiting rooms, lines at the store, time on the subway, on the elliptical at the gym, etc.
Find things to do during this time. I tend to have a lot of reading for classes, so I bring some of it almost everywhere I go and read during waiting time.

17. Lock yourself in.

No distractions, no excuses. Sometimes, the only way I’m going to get something done is if I’m under lock and key, alone in a room. If you’re like me, realize it, and act accordingly.

18. Commit to your plan to do something.

I kind of mentioned this already, but it’s worth repeating. Don’t flake on your own plan to do something!
Be resolute. Be committed. Be professional about it, and follow through. A firm will to accomplish what you decide to accomplish will take you anywhere.

19. Batch related tasks together.

Let’s say that over a given weekend you need to do two programming assignments, write three essays, and make two videos. Rather than approaching this work in whatever order you feel, group the like tasks and do them consecutively.
Different tasks demand different types of thinking, so it makes sense to allow your mind to continue to flow with its current zone rather than switching unnecessarily to something that’s going to require you to re-orient.

20. Find time for stillness.

In our go, go, go world, too many people don’t find time to just be still. Yet, it’s extraordinary what a stillness practice can do. Action and inaction should both play key roles in our lives.
Discovering time in your life for silence and non-motion reduces anxiety and shows you that there is no need to constantly rush. It also makes it easier to find your work pleasurable.

21. Eliminate the non-essential.

I know this one has been mentioned in one capacity or another already, but it’s one of the most useful tips you can take away from this post.
Our lives are full of excess. When we can identify that excess and remove it, we become more and more in touch with what is significant and what deserves our time.

One Last Tip (The Best One)

There’s one final tip I want to mention. If you remember one thing from this post, remember this:

Enjoyment should always be the goal. Work can be play.
We get so caught up in busyness that we forget to enjoy what we’re doing. Even when we focus on working smarter, we’re still often too focused on getting things done.
This should never be the point. Always ask yourself: What can I do to spend more time enjoying what I’m doing?
The goal should be to arrange your commitments in a way that you’re happy living out the details of your daily life, even while you’re working.
This may sound like a pipe dream, but it’s more possible than ever in today’s world. Be curious. Be open to opportunity. Know yourself. Embrace your passions.
Wonderful things will happen. Best of luck implementing these tips, and let me know if I can do anything else to help you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Business owners and employees who are skeptical of networking may want to reconsider. According to a recent survey from the Referral Institute, individuals who spent more than six hours a week networking garnered 47% of all business from their referrals and networks. Those who claimed that networking didn’t play a very large role in their business only networked less than two hours per week.
Yet, not all networking can be judged on equal terms. Many people could gain more from their networking efforts if they only avoided some costly mistakes. Others do not know enough about what works and what doesn’t, and thus lack confidence. Fortunately, both of these problems can be easily solved by taking a look at some common mistakes of networking.

Unclear purpose
Those who have a clear goal are much more likely to know how to prepare for networking — whether it’s to find a better job or to gain new clients. With a set purpose, you will be able to target your goal contacts and better prepare for networking opportunities.
The Mayo Clinic has recently changed its strategy for building a network of doctor and clinic referrals. It focused on to building an affiliate program and, as a result, expanded its networking reach enormously. Focus your own networking goals and you’ll find that your efforts will go much further.

Targeting everyone
Some business owners throw cards at everyone they meet. However, if you have a targeted client or contact in mind, you can be better prepared for networking with them. While there is nothing wrong with handing out business cards to people who are unlikely to call you back, knowing your target market will help you know with whom to spend the most time.
Most businesses should focus on reaching the second tier of clients — in other words, customers of business contacts. Job seekers may want to focus on contacts within their desired field of employment. However, do not go to the point of inflexibility. Be focused on who you want to target, but be prepared to think outside the box and change course if an interesting, off-target contact comes your way.

Being unprepared
Business cards are a must. Neither clients nor business executives will give much weight to the person who says, “I don’t have any business cards — let me just put my name in your phone,” especially if you insist on entering the information for them. You’ll seem unprepared and will be violating their privacy.
Always practice your elevator pitch before networking, and refine and change it as necessary. You never know when you may stumble upon a killer contact when you are simply out running errands. You certainly do not want to be that person at networking events that doesn’t know how to talk about his or her business. Keep in mind that everyone is different: some people like details while others are big-picture people. Make your pitch somewhere in the middle of these extremes.

Being rude
A rude networker is losing at networking. If you do not treat your prospects with respect, why should they want to spend more time with you and your company? Make sure that you give the other person time to talk, and listen carefully. Engage — make them feel like they are the only person who is interesting to you in that moment. Be respectful of their time, too, and limit your conversation to only starting that spark and exchanging business cards.
Some other rude mistakes networkers make are being too pushy or not pushy enough. You don’t want new contacts to feel like they are being cornered or bullied. However, you also do not want them to come away uncertain of what you are selling or whether you are even interested in your own offer.
Another big mistake includes lying. Never stretch the truth so that the other person hears what they want to hear. Always be honest in what you can provide. No one wants to hear that you can follow through only to find out mid-project that you never had enough resources. Never provide fake referrals, either. This is a sure way to make yourself seem like a fraud.

Taking a break
Even if you have too many clients or a secure job, never stop building your network. You never know when your biggest client may decide to join your competitor. In today’s shaky economy, sudden layoffs are quite common. While there may be seasons when you do not need to network as aggressively, steadily building your network ensures that you have a pool of contacts at the ready.
Attend local chamber of commerce networking events. Go to conferences in your field every so often, even if you are ahead of the knowledge being taught. Keep up your social media accounts so that when you need to get aggressive with networking efforts again, you won’t be far behind everyone else.

Avoiding face to face
It is easy in today’s world of digital media to hide behind our computers and simply send e-mails, texts, or messages via social media. However, it is easy to delete a message without giving it much thought, but meeting in person is harder to ignore or forget.
Keep in mind, too, that when attending networking events, be engaged. Ian Altman in his article “Why your smartphone should not join you at networking events” discusses a recent networking event he attended in which many of the participants stood along the walls focusing on their phones, rather than walking around and meeting people. Why waste your money and time in attending networking events if you don’t intend on meeting new contacts? If you are too tempted to hide behind your phone, do as Altman suggests: leave your phone in your vehicle or hotel room.

Not following up
The final most common mistake that networkers make is to not follow up. Many people are simply too busy — your offer sounded great, perfect in fact, but they don’t have the time to dig out your business card and make the call. So do it for them! Wait a few days to give them some time to think over your offer, but then make a call (preferably), send an e-mail or leave a message through social media.
When following up, remind them of your conversation, giving details such as the day, place, time, etc., and what was discussed. Then ask if they need you to help them take the next step. If this is a contact that you may need in the future but not at the moment, simply tell them that you enjoyed meeting them and hope to be able to talk again soon.
Unfortunately, too many professionals take networking lightly, mainly because they do not know how to network the right way. Networking is an art, so practice it until you can perform it flawlessly. Soon, you will find yourself networking almost instinctively, with a strong network regardless of where you are on your career path.